Thanks Morphmom
Thanks so much for starting this website. It’s come at a perfect time in my life. I've been doing the hardest job for which I've ever been "hired" for 3 years now- being a stay at home mom. After my previous two jobs, that of a Marine Officer and then founder of a non-profit, I thought this "time off" would be fun, easy and relaxing. I realized it’s the first job I've been in that is NOT a meritocracy. It can be relentless and exhausting, and I sometimes feel very underappreciated, but it is also the most rewarding thing I've ever done. That said, my little pretties are growing up and ready to get into a structured environment. Easy, now all I have to do is find a job. Wow, didn't realize that would be so difficult this time around. I find myself driving kids from one place to another, dreaming about that perfect job. What would I do if I could do anything I wanted to do? Well, there are lots of things. How do I convince people that I'm qualified, now that I've been out of the workforce for 3 years. How do I convince people that I'm ok with a job that is significantly lower in prestige and responsibility than my last one as I want to (finally) learn to balance work and family? Well, those are just a few reasons I'm glad you are here, online everyday now, tying all of us motivated, talented women together in a support network. And now that one of my 3 year olds is busy totally reorganizing the icons on my iPad, I better go.
Love, Bridget