Where do I begin?



....If I started this with the words “where do I begin” how many of you would immediately think of the movie Love Story with Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw? For all of you that said yes, smiled or nodded..I now know who the baby boomers are..for those of you who didn’t and still don’t know..that movie will seem ancient if you do rent it but I highly suggest you do as it was a great one “back in the day”.


 That movie came to mind as I sat down to write this although my “morphing” into where I am now is not based on romantic love but instead, it is how I feel when trying to share how I got to the place I am now..which is the happiest and most AUTHENTIC place for me..and a place that I LOVE!


So I guess the best place to begin is by introducing myself..My name is Lisa Jadis, I am 54 years young..yep.. crazy as it is..I refer to the 50’s as the fabulous 50’s.  Unintentionally I started naming the decades and in my desire to keep this tasteful, I will just say I referred to the 40’s as the FU 40’s.  It was during those 10 years that I felt as if I grew a backbone and realized that I too have a right to be happy and have a sense of self, and it evolved in that decade, as did naming the decades. By the time I hit the Fabulous 50’s,  all that “stuff” was left behind and I looked ahead with excitement for what was to come and so far..I have NOT been disappointed. You see, age is a number, and being that my mom was killed in an accident when she was 52 (I still cannot believe I have outlived her and how truly young 52 is to die) I think each year is a blessing and remind people that whatever is hurting, troubling or in your way of happiness, it is far better than the alternative!


Sorry, got off track there..I am a Mom (notice the capital M there ladies..we earn and deserve the capital daily!) of a 20 yr old son and a 17 year old daughter who I adore, and I have been married to the same man for 27 years. Now that’s an accomplishment!  I previously worked on Wall Street, was a partner in a home accessory/gift business, and  I have had my own business working as a Manufacturer’s Representative in the Hospitality industry for the last 14 years.  It is through that business that I was introduced to  Lifemax 3 years ago. I refer to Lifemax as my PASSION Business. And this is where the Morphing truly occurred!


Although when I was first introduced to Mila by Lifemax by someone that I admired and trusted, I was still very skeptical as I immediately realized this was one of “those,” a Network Marketing Company. The internal alarms rang, because to say I was disinterested was an understatement! How do I tell my friend that I want NO PART of this without hurting her feelings? Avoidance was the selected method but thank goodness 7 months later I wised up and realized that I wanted to be healthy so what the heck..I’ll try it. 


What occurred next was shocking. Within 2-3 weeks my energy level increased and my brain fog was gone. And that wasn’t the shocking part, no, the shocking part was I signed up to be a Distributor!! I did this because I wanted everyone I know to feel this great. Knowing that I can do this and also earn money? I tell people about great sales, restaurants etc all the time, but no one ever paid me.  My family like so many families was being hit by the economy, so why not? 


Initially I gently placed my big toe into my business, and then pulled it out. Like George Costanza from Seinfeld, I kept my worlds apart. I was respected in the Hospitality Industry, what would they think if they knew I was doing “this?” How can I be in Network Marketing? This Toe hokey pokey went on for a little while and then friends started calling and sharing how great they felt..depression gone, weight loss, joint pain gone, overall happier.. I started to realize how many lives I was changing by sharing this amazing FOOD. 


This wasn’t a lotion or potion, supplement or vitamin..this was a FOOD that everyone, dogs and cats included, needed in their diet. In addition to the health benefits, I had a solution to offer those that wanted/needed an opportunity to earn money and be on a path to living a life THEY wanted.  Whether like me they needed the additional income, or they wanted to pay it forward, or do “something”, I was so happy to have something to offer.  And my role was not to sell but to share so that THEY can make the decision as to whether this is a fit for THEM.


 It all started to make sense to me and in the process, I learned so much about who I am.  It has never been clearer to me that in my life I want to be significant and make a difference in other people’s lives! I am especially passionate about empowering other women to achieve wellness from the inside out as well as empowering them to be and feel significant. We are all always taking care of others, but the first person we need to take care of is ourselves!  It was this reason that I named my team of Distributors Wellness Embassadors, intentionally spelled with an “E” instead of an “A” as together “WE” can make a difference.


So as a firm believer that things happen for reasons, what started as an interest in my own personal health and simply eating MILA (which I do love) has evolved into so much more. You see, I love MILA but my passion is driven by this incredible company Lifemax which I will be forever grateful to as it was truly the catalyst for my gaining so much insight into myself.  And I love the Lifemax culture, which was so different than anything I had ever experienced.  It allows me and my team to empower so many people/women while giving them hope and showing them that dreams do come true..and not only at Disneyland!


The rest is the future, you see I never call it history, as it is still unfolding. In an effort to help you Moms take care of yourselves and your families, I invite you to take a look at the information on my websites below. I am excited to keep in touch, share some food for thought and will be posting on morphmom  using the name Mama Mila.  I will be sharing nuggets of info to enrich your lives and recipes to nourish your family.  Please feel free to reach out at any time, even to just say hello! My email is lisa@lisajadis.com and my phone number is 908.604.6677. 


Make it a great day and always remember..Nothing changes unless something changes!


To your Health

 “Mama Mila”



lisa berkery