Yes, I am happy!

An interview with America's Newsroom anchor,


Martha MacCallum

"Yes, I am happy!"...


What did you want to be when you grew up?...

When I was younger I really thought a lot about having kids and how much I wanted to be a mom.  I was not very career driven as a girl.  

When I got to college I wanted to be either a lawyer or an actress.  I like to think in some way I kind of do both everyday…we ask a lot of questions and try to get to the bottom of things…we try to be the devil's advocate and present both sides of the story and at the same time…to be sensitive to the people we are covering in our stories....

How did your journey begin?

After college I did a couple of years at Circle in the Square in the theatre program in New York..I was [also] working as a waitress on the Upper West side of Manhattan…and I started to feel like I wanted to something else…one night it was raining and John F. Kennedy Jr. came running into the restaurant..I was standing with pasta sauce on my waitress shirt…and I went home that night and I thought maybe it was time to move on and to start pursuing another part of the things I love to do.   That same week another waitress landed an internship at CNN… she started talking about the story meeting and I thought..that's what I need to be!

I always loved politics, I studied politics in college and I was interested in what was going on the world from a very young age…and I realized I had sort of left behind a part of me that I needed to get back to…that was what I needed to do and I had no idea how to begin at that point..but I did…and that is the very beginning of the journey.

Where did that journey take you?

I got a job as a fact checker for a financial magazine…and little by little I got better and better ..I became a reporter for that magazine and worked my way through the print world at the Wall Street Journal…they had a television department and I knocked on the door and I just knew in my heart that I was going to work there.  I started as a Production Assistant and [with] every little thing they let me do I took so much ownership over and felt so proud of…happy to be part of the process…I was just hooked and I knew that I was in the right place!

Any words of advice to share?

Sometimes the door opens and you are not sure you are walking through the right door…go through the door because you will eventually get to where you want to be in that organization.  You have to be in there to prove yourself!

Are you happy?

Yes, I am happy! Some days are harder then others…I think if you feel like you are juggling a lot of things but are mostly happy the you are in pretty good shape…you are on the right track!

For more of Martha's amazing story , please watch her complete video on, "Anchor of America's Newsroom"

lisa berkery