5 Ways to Deal with Coronavirus Anxiety:

1) Turn Worry to Prayer, Meditation and Good Deeds

    Rather than focusing on what you can’t control - focus on how you can in turn help others.

Think of this as an opportunity to take care of one another.


2) Join the Conversation

     We are all in this together. We are all experiencing some type of fear and anxiety. Seek the         support you need and be there to give it to others.


3) Your SMILE is the new hug

     This may be a very lonely and isolating time for some. Remember- eye contact and a kind smile can help us all to stay connected.


4) Keep the Conversation to the Adult Table

    As difficult as this may be for adults, it is far worse for young children who cannot comprehend what is happening but absorb the fear and anxiety.


5) Catch Yourself

    Identify your fearful thoughts and instead change them to positive and hopeful wishes. Redirect your internal dialogue. 

Submitted by: Megan McDowell , Founder of Heartworks


Kathleen Smith