Speaker Spotlight-Michele Mitchell

What's Next?.... 

the non-conference conference.... 



How do I get involved in a cause I care deeply about?...


How do you do a documentary?...


How can I bring my documentary to life?

Just ask ...Michele Mitchell-Executive Editor, Film at 11 Media
A day of panels- questions and real answers!...

 Click link to register for the event to get this and many more answers!...

http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ee8ysep7b8e91416&llr=cg7bp5tab ...

Michele Mitchell is an American filmmaker, journalist and author.  As Co-Founder and Executive Editor of Film at 11 Media she is best known for her documentaries "Haiti: Where Did the Money Go?" (PBS, 2013) and "The Uncondemned" (2016).  As a journalist she worked on-camera reporting for PBS and CNN Headline News.  Michele is also the author of "The Latest Bombshell" (Holt/Plume), "Our Girl in Washington" (Plume), and "A New Kind of Party Animal: How the Young Are Changing Politics as Usual" (Simon&Schuster). 

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