Speaker Spotlight-Sonia Blangiardo


What's Next?.... 

the non-conference conference.... 



How did you become involved with soap operas?...


How can I submit an idea for a web series?...


How do I direct and produce that series?

Just ask ...Sonia Blangiardo-Emmy Winning Creator, Producer and Director...
A day of panels- questions and real answers!...

 Click link to register for the event to get this and many more answers!...

http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ee8ysep7b8e91416&llr=cg7bp5tab ...

Sonia Blangiardo is an Emmy-Winning television soap opera Director and Producer  of General Hospital, One Life to Live, All My Children, As the World Turns and Days of Our Lives.  She is also the Creator and Executive Producer of the web series Tainted Dreams from NYC Brand Productions, which debuted on YouTube in December 2013.

lisa berkery